PRICE | Multi Store Delivery

Packed with useful functions, we offer you a multi-store
delivery app at a ready to use and affordable prices package.

App Development Price
Multi-Store Delivery


The basic package price include the application itself and the back-end system.

iOS App Basic Price

USD 4000

iOS App (iPhone)

Android App Basic Price

USD 4000

Android App

iOS + Android App Basic Price

USD 7000

iOS + Android App

Price List(Basic Package)


iOS (iPhone) App Package

Android App Package

iOS+Android App Package

Basic Package

USD 4000

USD 4000

USD 7000

Smartphone Application Type

iOS (iPhone) App

Android App

Android & iOS (iPhone) App

Backend System

Basic Package Feature

iOS (iPhone) App Package

Android App Package

iOS+Android App Package

Edit and add multiple restaurants

This application can be used to manage several shops or businesses similar to Grab food

(iOS App)

(Android App)

(iOS+Android App)

Input store logo

Input the application logo according to your store logo

(iOS App)

(Android App)

(iOS+Android App)

Register a store

You can manage each shop individually by setting a login ID and password for each shop.

(iOS App)

(Android App)

(iOS+Android App)

Input menus

You can add or change the menu for each store.

(iOS App)

(Android App)

(iOS+Android App)

Menu category management

Menu categories can be categorized for each store

(iOS App)

(Android App)

(iOS+Android App)

Management of menu's sub categories

Menu's sub-category classification is possible for each shop.

(iOS App)

(Android App)

(iOS+Android App)

Displays menu's photo

You can also add photos for each menu

(iOS App)

(Android App)

(iOS+Android App)

Sales report

Monthly calculations can be performed for each store, so the management process becomes more efficient.

(iOS App)

(Android App)

(iOS+Android App)

Order confirmation

Incoming orders can be confirmed in realtime

(iOS App)

(Android App)

(iOS+Android App)

Order status confirmation

You can check the status as [new order / being cooked / finished / delivered].

(iOS App)

(Android App)

(iOS+Android App)


You can also set the coupon discount rate, expiration date, and coupon code.

(iOS App)

(Android App)

(iOS+Android App)

Order history

Users can check the ordered menu and price details at any time.

(iOS App)

(Android App)

(iOS+Android App)

Shows nearby restaurants

Utilizing the GPS function, the application can display the restaurants closest to the user.

(iOS App)

(Android App)

(iOS+Android App)

Excellent restaurant display

You can display the restaurants that you want to promote from the stores listed on the app.

(iOS App)

(Android App)

(iOS+Android App)

Displays selected restaurant

Displays the best selling shop or restaurant at the top of the order on the application.

(iOS App)

(Android App)

(iOS+Android App)

Store search

Users can search for shops / restaurants using appropriate keywords.

(iOS App)

(Android App)

(iOS+Android App)

Categories filter

Menus listed in categories on the backend are classified and displayed in list form.

(iOS App)

(Android App)

(iOS+Android App)

Favorite restaurant

You can register your favorite restaurant and display it in the list.

(iOS App)

(Android App)

(iOS+Android App)

Store review

After completing order, user can use the feedback function to rate the store.

(iOS App)

(Android App)

(iOS+Android App)

Check out function

It is a system that can determine delivery destination, date, time, quantity, etc. as well as payment.

(iOS App)

(Android App)

(iOS+Android App)

Add category

The user can store and manage the products he wants until he puts them in the shopping cart and makes a payment.

(iOS App)

(Android App)

(iOS+Android App)

Add / select delivery location

Users can add and manage shipping addresses using google map markers.

(iOS App)

(Android App)

(iOS+Android App)

Multi contact

Users can contact each store listed on the app.

(iOS App)

(Android App)

(iOS+Android App)

Delivery area management

Users can add and manage shipping addresses using google map markers.

(iOS App)

(Android App)

(iOS+Android App)

Options Menu

Custom DevelopmentOptional Fee

Customization Fee

iOS App Package (iPhone)

Android App Package

iOS+Android App Package

Contents input

Content input costs vary according to it's volume. We will bid according to your request.

Content input costs vary according to it's volume. We will bid according to your request.

Content input costs vary according to it's volume. We will bid according to your request.

Layout design changes

Kami akan memberikan penawaran untuk melakukan perubahan sesuai dengan permintaan Anda.

Kami akan memberikan penawaran untuk melakukan perubahan sesuai dengan permintaan Anda.

Kami akan memberikan penawaran untuk melakukan perubahan sesuai dengan permintaan Anda.

Image creation

We will make an offer according to the quality, quantity, and specifications of the image you request.

We will make an offer according to the quality, quantity, and specifications of the image you request.

We will make an offer according to the quality, quantity, and specifications of the image you request.

WEB link & SNS setting

We will provide a price according to your request.

We will provide a price according to your request.

We will provide a price according to your request.

Payment gateway integration

Before giving a price quote, we first need to know which payment gateway you want to use because the price will vary depending on the payment method, such as payment by credit card, e-money, bank transfer, to payment via convenience stores.

Before giving a price quote, we first need to know which payment gateway you want to use because the price will vary depending on the payment method, such as payment by credit card, e-money, bank transfer, to payment via convenience stores.

Before giving a price quote, we first need to know which payment gateway you want to use because the price will vary depending on the payment method, such as payment by credit card, e-money, bank transfer, to payment via convenience stores.

Price management

We will ask you about a price setting that suits your needs, and then quote the appropriate price.

We will ask you about a price setting that suits your needs, and then quote the appropriate price.

We will ask you about a price setting that suits your needs, and then quote the appropriate price.

Other additional functions

Other functions will be added according to customer orders. Please contact us for further information and reservations.

Other functions will be added according to customer orders. Please contact us for further information and reservations.

Other functions will be added according to customer orders. Please contact us for further information and reservations.

Operational & Maintenance CostsOptional Fee

Operational options

iOS App Package

Android App Package

iOS+Android App Package

Publish new applications to the AppStore (iphone app)

For both user and driver app

USD 150

(Publish the newly created app to the App Store.)

First you have to create the Apple Developer account.

USD 150

(Publish the newly created app to the Play Store.)

First you have to create the Google Developer account.

USD 280

(Publish the newly created app to the App Store and Google Play Store dan Apple Store.)

First you have to create the Apple & Google Developer account.

Developer account creation service for AppStore and Google Play

USD 80

(We will support you to apply for an Apple Developer account. In this case we need your credit card information to register for an account.)

USD 80

(We will support you to apply for a Google Developer account. In this case we need your credit card information to register for an account.)

USD 120

(We will support you to apply for a Google and Apple Developer account. In this case we need your credit card information to register for an account.)

Acquisition of Application Source Code

(The app will be provided in the form of binary data. Basically, we do not provide Source code. But, if you have further questions please feel free to contact us)

(The app will be provided in the form of binary data. Basically, we do not provide Source code. But, if you have further questions please feel free to contact us)

(The app will be provided in the form of binary data. Basically, we do not provide Source code. But, if you have further questions please feel free to contact us)

Server Rental & Management Fees(Optional Fee)

Package A backend system management

(For small app operation. Storage 2GB-5GB and shared with other customers.)

(Package A)

USD 500/year

OS: Linux, CPU: 20 cores, memory: 192 GB, storage: SSD RAID 10, 1 contract disk space: 2 GB, supports SSL, MySQL.

(Package A)

USD 500/year

OS: Linux, CPU: 20 cores, memory: 192 GB, storage: SSD RAID 10, 1 contract disk space: 2 GB, supports SSL, MySQL.

(Package A)

USD 500/year

OS: Linux, CPU: 20 cores, memory: 192 GB, storage: SSD RAID 10, 1 contract disk space: 2 GB, supports SSL, MySQL.

Package B Backend system management

(Operation type of small to medium-sized application: Storage: 200GB)

(Package B)

USD 800/year

OS: Linux, CPU: 20 cores, memory: 192 GB, storage: SSD RAID 10, 1 contract disk space: 200 GB, free SSL service, native domain support, FTP, native domain email setup support, WEB operation possible with blank space

(Package B)

USD 800/year

OS: Linux, CPU: 20 cores, memory: 192 GB, storage: SSD RAID 10, 1 contract disk space: 200 GB, free SSL service, native domain support, FTP, native domain email setup support, WEB operation possible with blank space

(Package B)

USD 800/year

OS: Linux, CPU: 20 cores, memory: 192 GB, storage: SSD RAID 10, 1 contract disk space: 200 GB, free SSL service, native domain support, FTP, native domain email setup support, WEB operation possible with blank space

Package C: Backend system management

(Medium to large scale app operation type: Storage: 400GB)

(Package C)

USD 1200/year

OS: Linux, CPU: 20 cores, memory1: 192 GB, storage: RAID 10 SSD, 1 contract disk space: 400 GB, Free SSL, native domain support, FTP connection, native domain email setup support, WEB operation possible with blank space

(Package C)

USD 1200/year

OS: Linux, CPU: 20 cores, memory1: 192 GB, storage: RAID 10 SSD, 1 contract disk space: 400 GB, Free SSL, native domain support, FTP connection, native domain email setup support, WEB operation possible with blank space

(Package C)

USD 1200/year

OS: Linux, CPU: 20 cores, memory1: 192 GB, storage: RAID 10 SSD, 1 contract disk space: 400 GB, Free SSL, native domain support, FTP connection, native domain email setup support, WEB operation possible with blank space

Package D backend system management

(Using server from other company)

(Package D)

(Backend system settings on the server of your choice. Server setup costs vary according to the server used. In addition, we enforce a separate maintenance contract if you use another company's server services.)

(Package D)

(Backend system settings on the server of your choice. Server setup costs vary according to the server used. In addition, we enforce a separate maintenance contract if you use another company's server services.)

(Package D)

(Backend system settings on the server of your choice. Server setup costs vary according to the server used. In addition, we enforce a separate maintenance contract if you use another company's server services.)

App Publication(Optional Fee)

Operational options

iOS App Package

Android App Package

iOS+Android App Package

Publish new apps to the AppStore (iphone app)

For both user & driver app

USD 150

( (Mempublikasikan aplikasi yang baru dibuat ke App Store.)

Terlebih dahulu Anda harus membuat akun Apple Developer.

USD 150

(Mempublikasikan aplikasi yang dibuat ke Google Play Store.)

Terlebih dahulu Anda harus membuat akun Google Developer

USD 280

(Mempublikasikan aplikasi yang dibuat ke Google Play Store dan Apple Store.)

Terlebih dahulu Anda harus membuat akun Google Developer dan Apple Developer.

Developer account creation service for AppStore and Google Play

USD 80

(We will support you to apply for Apple Developer account. In this case we need your credit card information to register for an account.)

USD 80

(We will support you to apply for Apple Developer account. In this case we need your credit card information to register for an account.)

USD 120

(We will support you to apply for a Google and Apple Developer account. In this case we need your credit card information to register for an account.)

App Source Code Release

(The app will be provided in binary data. Basically, we do not provide Source code. If you have further questions please feel free to contact us.)

(The app will be provided in binary data. Basically, we do not provide Source code. If you have further questions please feel free to contact us.)

(The app will be provided in binary data. Basically, we do not provide Source code. If you have further questions please feel free to contact us.)

If APPSHOP doesn’t have the app you are looking for,

we can still develop the app and website according to your needs.


 Leave it to us, when you’re willing to create an original app and website.
For further information, please feel free to contact us!
We are ready to answer your questions. Please write your name and question! Office Hours Monday – Saturday from 9 AM – 5 PM Central Indonesia Time
WeCreativez WhatsApp Support